My name is Joya Scarlata and I am a B2B tech marketer with over ten years of experience in the industry.

After completing my undergraduate and graduate degrees from Boston University, I spent several years working in the think tank/government consulting field.


I eventually found my true calling in marketing. It has been a wild and wonderful ride, navigating the twists and turns of the digital marketing world with my amazing team.

…..but the journey didn’t stop there….

About three years ago, I began to explore the fascinating world of AI and it has been an amazing adventure sharing my thoughts and ideas with the world!

I’ve even had the chance to chat about these topics at conferences, roundtables, and even on the TEDx stage - talk about a dream come true! These experiences have been super rewarding, connecting me with so many incredible people who share my passion.

So here I am, continuing this exciting journey at the crossroads of AI, marketing, and strategy. I’d love for you to join me in this conversation. Let us connect, share ideas, and maybe even inspire each other along the way!


Hello There!